Any person interested in the Ford Mustang shall be eligible for membership in The Villages Mustang Club. There are three classes of Members that are designated as follows:

Regular Membership, Village Residents

Honorary Membership, Distinguished Village Resident

Associate Membership, Non-Village Residents


New Members must fill out The Villages Mustang Club Members Information Sheet and sign The Villages Mustang Club Release Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement Form, which must be signed every year of membership.

Member’s Dues

The annual dues payable to The Villages Mustang Club by Members, will be in such amount as may be determined from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors and may be amended by them.

Each new member is required to purchase an identification badge for the one-time fee at current cost to club. Members who fail to pay their dues by date determined by Pres. & V.P. of the club will risk being removed from the membership list and email notices there upon forfeit all rights and privileges of membership. New Members joining the club after July 1st will have their membership for the remainder of the year at a reduced fee determined by the Pres. & V.P.

Regular Member’s Meeting Location

Meeting of the Regular membership shall be held on the first Friday of every month at Eisenhower Recreation Center unless changed by the Board of Directors and notification given to the membership at the preceding monthly meeting or by email.